Friday, June 5, 2009

New Obsession.

Jeremy Larson.

I've been watching his video of Oiseaux Tristes (Sad Birds) by Ravel on Youtube. It happens to be one of my VCE piano pieces. I've watched this several occasions over a span of few months, then yesterday I clicked on another video of his.

It was a live performance of his own piece which he composed. Turns out he's a songwriter and singer as well. Here he plays cello, keyboard and sings. His live performance is amazing, and he conveys so much emotion in his work without being musicially cliche. His communication to the audience through his music is so pure.

I think I'm just amazed at his technical skills as well as his lyrical. Many songwriters employ extremely predictable chord progressions, so it is such a relief to see something fresh.


  1. I'm listening to Sad Birds now and it's beautiful. It suits mood I am in right now perfectly. I cannot wait until you perfect this piece.

  2. Me too, I'll play it to you when its ready. It's a very emotional piece isn't it
